Project Examples

1. New Product Positioning for an Oncology Treatment with Dual Indications:Due to the nature of the participants, the study was administered using a unique hands-on / in-depth phone interview approach.

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  • A unique positioning and messaging method developed by CNB Research was the analytical engine behind the discussions.
  • This unique qualitative-quantitative approach guided participants to simultaneously measure and assess over 100 communications elements (text, graphics, images) and then empowered them to construct a “story” for the brand in a way that will make them want to use and recommend this new drug over other options.

The Result: CNB uncovered a unique and customer relevant Positioning Strategy plus built an immediate foundation for actual Messages that can be used during launch.

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2. Market Sizing Estimates and Customer Perceptions for a Major Player in the High Tech Medical Device Industry: This was a critical study done for the Medical Device Division of one of the world’s largest organizations. The study was carefully designed using a combination of mailed “pre-work” materials coupled with a participant-customized Internet Survey. Over 400 participated in the study.

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  • The project was designed to estimate the $$ purchases that hospitals and freestanding healthcare facilities are planning over the next 12 months across 20 Major Product Lines representing an $8Bl marketplace. The results were projected and stratified over 9 key Customer Segments.
  • The study also measured customer awareness, perceptions, and attitudes about product & service performance & key business issues, and overall value associated with specific manufacturers. These perceptions were correlated with future use and loyalty behavior.

The Result: CNB helped the company understand where customers are planning to make purchases over the next 12 months, how purchasing dynamics will evolve, and provide direction as to where marketing strategies should be aligned with customer desires.

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3. Evaluating Acceptance of New Medical Devices with Built-in Safety Features: This research was conducted in two Phases. Phase I assessed the current market for these devices and identified unmet needs. Phase II tested new device prototypes via a series of mini-groups (3-4 participants).

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  • Prototype assessments were conducted in-person to facilitate a hands-on review of current and potential new devices. A conjoint survey was administered after the devices were reviewed. The conjoint results coupled with the discussion feedback were used to define the ideal product design and simulate future marketplace scenarios and shares.
  • A pre-interview survey was also administered before each group. The info was used to devise strategic quadrant matrixes and perceptual maps which pinpointed important purchase decision-making attributes, highlighted competitor positionings & performance levels on these attributes, and potential unmet needs.

The Result: CNB recommended a comprehensive new product assessment that provided “go-no go” direction and the recommended design improvements needed before entering this market.

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4. Global Competitive Landscape Assessment to Identify the Opportunity for a New Type II Diabetes Drug: This study was conducted by telephone. Interviews were done with PCP’s and Endocrinologists in the U.S. and Europe.

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  • The study explored referral patterns, current brand usage and treatment regimens, importance of major prescribing decision-making factors, and perceptions of key brands on these factors.
  • Descriptions of 3 new products were presented and evaluated. MDs assessed the new products on the major decision factors and estimated their usage and where the new products might fit into their Type II diabetes Rx regimens.  Based on different patient scenarios, MDs were asked to indicate their next treatment action, including possibly adding one of the new drugs.

The Result: CNB presented a clearer picture of the current U.S. and European Type II diabetes markets and helped prepare the client to successfully launch the new product.

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