Cliff Beeson


As the Founder, President and Account Service Representative for CNB Research & Consulting, Cliff has been in Market Research for over 25+ years. As an analyst at Wyeth from 1981 to 1985, he worked primarily on cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory, cough-cold and oral contraceptive brands, and during this time helped launch several key products for the company. Cliff was responsible for all primary and secondary research, even conducting qualitative research for his brands.

In 1986, he took a position with AstraZeneca in their New Products Market Research group where he was responsible for cardiovascular, urinary incontinence and oncology products in development.

From 1988 to 1990, Cliff was Director of Marketing Research for F. Scott Kimmich & Company, an advertising agency serving the client’s of the agency with their marketing research needs. In 1990, he left the agency to help start a business called MarketLab, Inc., a full service marketing research firm.

In 1993, he formed CNB Research & Consulting, LLP a full service marketing research firm with clients in life sciences, technology, food, and consumer goods.